How to Buy

Select Package

20 Daimond pin
BDT 21
50 Daimond pin
BDT 37
(Stock Out)
115 Daimond pin
BDT 75
240 Daimond pin
BDT 150
610 Daimond pin
BDT 380
1240 Daimond pin
BDT 755
(Stock Out)
2530 Daimond pin
BDT 1510
(Stock Out)
weekly pin
BDT 152
monthly pin
BDT 745
(Stock Out)
level uppass pin
BDT 154
(Stock Out)

How to Buy Unipin Voucher/UniPin Gift Card/BD/From/mixhubbd?.............................. 1. Select the amount of UniPin Voucher/UniPin Gift Card .............................................................................. 2. Select the quantity and click the “Go Payment” button. ................................................................................. 3. Enter your Name, Email, and Phone number. ............................................................................... 4. Check out and select your payment method. .................................................................................. 5. Once payment is made, the Unipin Voucher/UniPin Gift Card you purchased will be in your code option . .................................................................... UniPin Voucher Redeem করার নিয়ম – How to Redeem UniPin Gift Card BD/UniPin Voucher BD?............. 1.Visit shop.garena.my and click Free Fire .......................................................................... 2.Enter your free fire UID and Click “Login” ................................................................................ 3.Now Click on the “Processed to Payment” Button. ................................................................ 4.Select the Amount of UniPin Voucher/UniPin Gift Card you have Purchased. .......................................................................... 5.Select “UniPin Voucher” or “UniPin Gift Card” ............................................................................ 6.Enter the voucher PIN and click the “Confirm” Button. ............................................................................ 7.Now You’re done and the diamonds will be sent to your account shortly.


